Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Introduction (will be called the “Website”) is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal data collected at this website. This statement summarizes the policies of this website regarding the collection, use, and transfer of your personal data, and the security measures The Website employs to protect such data.]



This is to inform that The Website is a free service to jobseekers for placements. The Website does not guarantee any interview/meeting/discussion with any employer basis any amount of initial monetary payment by the jobseeker.

The Website is not responsible for any frivolous email, SMS or phone call by any fraudulent person pretending to be part of The Website. Any communication from official domain of The Website shall only be considered as genuine.

Jobseekers are advised not to indulge in any monetary engagement with any source in the name of guaranteed interviews with employers.

The Website makes no recommendations regarding potential employers. We are not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or any other aspect of private employment. All hiring, scheduling, and compensation for job postings are handled directly between the employee and the employer.

Employers and applicants are urged to perform due diligence when offering, applying for, or accepting private employment by requesting references or any other information needed to establish qualifications, credentials and overall fit between employer and applicant.

This site contains links to third party sites. The Website has not reviewed materials or information posted at websites linked or linking to this site, and therefore, The Website disclaims any responsibility for the contents of such sites. Likewise, our linking to a third-party website should not be interpreted as a form of endorsement or recommendation for the products or services offered on the third party.


The Information We Collect

We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this Privacy Policy. The Website and its affiliates are the sole owner of information collected on this website.

The Website reserves its right to share your personal information with its licensees and affiliates.

The Website is an online recruitment service and collects a variety of personal data necessary to provide these services. By choosing to enter your personal information on this site you indicate your willingness to disclose this information to The Website and employers registered with it, and to be considered, when appropriate, for one of The Website’s vacancies. If you do not wish to disclose this information, The Website will be unable to provide you the services offered by this site, since employment, educational, and other personal information is necessary in order to assess your employment opportunities.

It is not The Website’s policy to seek any sensitive information through our website unless legally required for recruitment purposes. Sensitive information includes data relating to race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or similar beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life, or criminal record. We suggest that you do not provide sensitive information of this nature. If you do wish to provide sensitive information for any reason, The Website accepts your explicit consent to use that information in the ways described in this Privacy Policy or as described at the point where you choose to disclose.


How We Use and Disclose Personally-Identifying Information

In order to present you as a candidate on a vacancy, your personal information may be provided to The Website’s clients (potential employers), affiliates, and licensees. If you do not wish to participate in this service and benefit from the career opportunities that The Website provides, please do not enter your personal information into the website.

Information obtained by the site is used only for the intended purposes stated. It is The Website’s policy not to sell or share your personal information for related or unrelated purposes to non-licensee third parties, unless otherwise stated at the time of collection. If at any time we decide to use personal data in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will endeavor to notify you and give you a choice as to whether or not we use your information in this different manner. No notification and choice will be sought if The Website is compelled or required by applicable law, statute, regulation, ordinance, or court order to disclose personal data.


How We Use and Disclose Non-Personally Identifying Information

Your personal information may also be used anonymously and in the aggregate in order to put together industry, marketing and employment statistics. Used in this matter, your personal information becomes non-identifying. The Website also monitors IP addresses for security purposes, trend analysis, site administration, user movement tracking, and broad demographic information gathering for aggregate use. The IP address of the computer you use to access The Website (the ‘internet street address’ of your computer) is not linked to any personal information you provide on the site.


Information Security and Integrity

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain accuracy of data and ensure proper use of information, The Website has put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial security procedures to safeguard all information collected online.

We will not process your personal information in a way that is incompatible with what is outlined in the Privacy Statement, and will use our best efforts to ensure that data is accurate, complete, current and reliable for its intended use. We also will use our best efforts to protect your information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.


User ID and Password

If you forget your password, click the ‘Forgot Password’ link that appears on the Login Screen and enter your User ID. The system will then send you an email with a link to reset your password.

The Website reserves the right to change User IDs and Passwords at any time to protect the security of the site.


Access to Information

The website makes it easy to access the personal information you provide to The Website. You may access your own personal information at any time with your User ID and Password. If the information you provided once you registered with the site changes or needs to be amended, please follow the directions below to amend and modify such information:

Log in at The Website.

Enter your User ID and Password.

When you have finished editing and saving your changes, be sure to review each page containing the information you modified to ensure the changes you made are accurate. If you need further assistance in accessing and modifying your personal information, or if you no longer desire our service, we will endeavor to provide a way to correct, update, or remove your personal data.



Please be aware that this website may contain links to third-party websites. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by this website. This Privacy Policy does not apply to, nor is The Website responsible for, any content, privacy practices, or conduct of such websites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy policies of each and every website including those that collect personally identifiable information.



Cookies are packets of information that are stored on your computer’s hard drive. At The Website, cookies allow us to keep track of the areas of the site you visit and thereby offer you easy access to the information you find most relevant. They also allow us to greet you by name when you visit and to remember that you have already registered. No secure information or information about your personal identity is ever contained within our cookies. Your web browser is most likely set to automatically accept cookies, but you can consult your browser help file if you wish to change these settings. If you select not to receive cookies, registered users will not be able to view a personalized home page, and will view the default homepage instead.


CV Privacy Options

When you post your CV, The Website automatically creates a registration for you using the email address and password that you supply. When you return to the site in the future you will use that same email address and password to access and edit your existing resume.

The Website recognizes that job seekers have different levels of comfort in posting their resume on the internet. To accommodate the needs of all users, The Website offers three levels of privacy from which to choose from.

Standard Posting gives job seekers the most visibility to the broadest employer and/or recruiter audience possible, making the resume including full name and contact details searchable by all third-parties who have subscribed to The Website’s database search service.

Private Posting will allow the resume to be searched, without the name or contact information being displayed. In this case, interested parties can only contact the candidate through The Website.

Hidden Posting allows the user to post his/her resume on The Website without permitting it to be searched by third parties. In this case, the resume can only be viewed by a third-party if the candidate applies for a vacancy advertised by that third-party.

In addition, The Website distinguishes between ‘Employers’ and ‘Recruitment Agencies’ and allows users to specify their desired privacy and visibility options vis-à-vis each group separately.



We accept payments through PayPal. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.

Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more details.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Website reserves the right to modify or amend the Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason. Please check back to this Privacy Policy from time to time to stay informed.

Nothing contained in this Privacy Policy is intended to create a contract or agreement between The Website and any user visiting the site or providing identifying information in any form. If you have any questions about your personal information contact us.